
Laugavallalaug, also known as Laugarvellir, is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful geothermal pools in Iceland. It’s not just any geothermal pool or river, of which there are dozens; Laugarvellir is actually a thermal waterfall. If you visit this place, you won’t forget it easily. Laugarvellir embodies what you might imagine Iceland to be like.

Laugarvellir is located about 100 kilometers southwest of the town of Egilsstaðir. Accessibility is highly dependent on the season and road conditions.

2WD/Winter: The road to the Kárahnjúkar reservoir is usually well-passable. If conditions don’t permit, you can leave your car here and head to Laugarvellir on foot. It’s about 10 kilometers. At the end, you will need to ford a small river. Your reward will be one of the most charismatic spots in Iceland, in complete solitude.

4WD/Summer: If you have a more rugged vehicle and the local F road is open, you can drive to a small parking lot at the intersection (GPS: 64.989767, -15.772241). From there, it’s about 3 kilometers. At the end, you will need to ford a small river.