
Þingvellir – truly an extraordinary place. The name can be translated as “Parliament Fields” because the Alþingi – the parliament – was established here in 930, making it the first parliament in modern history.

The location lies in a geologically active area, precisely on the boundary between the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates.

There are several tourist attractions here. The charming Þingvallakirkja church, the Öxarárfoss waterfall, and the submerged Silfra rift, where you can enjoy up to 100 meters of visibility in crystal clear water, or the high and rocky walls you can walk between, are just a few of them.

Þingvellir is located 40 kilometers northeast of Reykjavik in the southwestern part of Iceland and, along with the Gullfoss waterfall and Geysir, is part of the so-called Golden Circle.