
Strokkur is an active geyser located in the geothermal area of Haukadalur, alongside other geysers, fumaroles, and mud pools. Nearly 1.5 million tourists visit this area annually, all eager to witness the small miracle of water erupting high into the air.

The way it happens is quite fascinating. The water, under pressure, reaches temperatures higher than 100°C and can no longer maintain its volume, causing it to explode. Since it has nowhere else to expand, it shoots up into the air.

Strokkur is not the only geyser in the area. Just a few dozen meters away is the Geysir geyser, which is currently dormant, with its last known eruption recorded in 2009. Strokkur, on the other hand, is very active, with eruptions reaching heights of 20-25 meters occurring approximately every 5-8 minutes. Interestingly, double and sometimes even triple eruptions are not uncommon.

Strokkur is probably the most famous natural attraction in Iceland. Along with Þingvellir National Park and Gullfoss waterfall, it is part of the so-called Golden Circle.