
Seljalandsfoss is one of the most photogenic and photographed waterfalls in Iceland. Due to its combination of beauty and easy accessibility, it can be considered Iceland’s Disneyland. The waterfall on the Seljaland River, which falls from a height of 60 meters, has a small lagoon beneath it. In the afternoon, the site is beautifully illuminated by the sun, creating a rainbow that enhances the picturesque beauty of the place.

A unique and interesting feature of Seljalandsfoss is that you can view it from all angles because you can walk behind it and completely circle it (although this path is inaccessible in winter due to ice for safety reasons).

Seljalandsfoss is located on the southern coast of Iceland, about 120 kilometers southeast of Reykjavik, very close to the Ring Road. If you’re driving from Reykjavik, you’ll see Seljalandsfoss long before you reach it. In winter (and at night), it can’t be missed because it’s illuminated, much like cultural landmarks are in other parts of Europe.

You can easily park at the adjacent parking lot, which currently requires a fee. There is a free parking area near the Ring Road (GPS: 63.609663, -19.996318), from which it’s about a 10-minute walk to the waterfall. However, this parking area is not intended for visitors to Seljalandsfoss.