
Hólar in northern Iceland is a historically and culturally significant site. Located in the Hjaltadalur valley, it is renowned for its important role in Iceland’s religious history. Hólar was established as a bishopric in 1106, making it one of the two bishoprics in Iceland, the other being Skálholt in the southwest near the Þingvellir National Park.

Over the centuries, Hólar has been a center of education, culture, and clergy in Iceland. The Hólar Cathedral, built in the 1660s, remains a notable landmark. The area is also known for its contribution to Icelandic horse breeding.

Due to its picturesque surroundings and historic buildings, Hólar is a popular destination for visitors interested in Icelandic history and nature.

Hólar is located near the end of road number 767, somewhere in the northern fjords.