
Dettifoss is the most powerful waterfall in Europe, a torrent of water that plunges into the abyss, taking everything with it. Although it’s ‘only’ 45 meters high, its 100-meter width and the overwhelming sound it produces are truly awe-inspiring. You can admire Dettifoss from both the west and east sides, each offering its own unique charm and beautiful views of the waterfall.

From the western side, the waterfall faces you directly, giving you a front-row seat. Due to the prevailing wind direction, this side also catches most of the spray that Dettifoss generously produces.

However, the view from the eastern side has its own magic, as it allows you to get surprisingly close to the roaring water. One could even say it’s within reach, so be cautious when moving around the waterfall. The site is particularly enticing and provocative for photographers and models, urging them to tread close to the edge of safety.

There are four ways to reach Dettifoss. The most common and, in winter, the only accessible route is from the west on the paved Road No. 862 from Highway No. 1. In summer, you can also approach from the north, from Ásbyrgi canyon, though this part of the road is not maintained in winter after snowfall. After about 25 kilometers from any direction, you’ll arrive at a parking area, from where it’s a short walk to the waterfall.

To reach the eastern viewpoint, travel on Road No. 864. This is a gravel road full of potholes, which is also not maintained and is closed in winter. Like from the west, you can access this road either from the south, from Highway No. 1, or from the north, from Ásbyrgi canyon.