
Aldeyjarfoss is a beautiful waterfall on the river with the tricky name Skjálfandafljót, set in an almost desert-like landscape, which adds to its charm. Despite not being particularly tall (it stands at ‘only’ 20 meters, and there are many waterfalls of similar height in Iceland that don’t even have names), it captivates visitors with its beauty and composition. Additionally, it is located off the main tourist route, so you won’t be crowded by throngs of hurried tourists who stay for just a few minutes before moving on. Here at Aldeyjarfoss, you have the chance to encounter unspoiled nature, altered only as much as absolutely necessary. If you make it here, you will likely stay longer than you initially planned.

Aldeyjarfoss is an interesting combination of the Svartifoss waterfall with its basalt columns (organ pipes), Háifoss with its ‘falling water’ shape, and Seljalandsfoss with its lagoon beneath the waterfall.

Aldeyjarfoss is located about 40 km from Road No. 1 (Ring Road), from the Goðafoss waterfall along gravel road 842, and then about 4 km on road F26. Even though the signs indicate the need for a terrain vehicle, the road to the waterfall is well accessible and manageable with 2WD cars (provided the surface is not wet!). From the parking lot, which also has restrooms, you only need to walk a few hundred meters to the waterfall itself.