
Tröllafoss, also known as the Troll Waterfall on the Grimsá River, is one of those Icelandic waterfalls that are almost forgotten in guidebooks. However, given the beautiful surrounding nature, it can become the highlight of your day, especially since you’ll have the area all to yourself. There’s plenty to see.

If you want to visit Tröllafoss, you have two options.
The first option is to park your car near this intersection (GPS: 64.197489, -21.551507) and then follow this path until you reach almost to Tröllafoss. If you choose this route, you’ll only see Tröllafoss partially, so you shouldn’t overlook option number 2.

The second option is to park near the Hrafnhólar farm (GPS: 64.206926, -21.566052) and then follow the right bank upstream. Here, you have two choices. The first is to walk along the riverbank. When you think you can’t go any further, there’s a rope you can use to climb about 5 meters. However, even after this, you’ll reach a point where the only way to continue is to climb about 50 meters up a rather steep hill. As a reward, you’ll see a waterfall and many beautiful views of places that few others get to see. However, you should be an experienced hiker for this route.

If you prefer a pleasant walk and don’t want to climb a rope or scramble up a hill, then when the terrain starts to rise (around here: GPS: 64.209085, -21.546069), simply follow the rising terrain. This route is manageable for anyone who is fit for walking in nature.