Parking lot with toilets Brunnar

You can find this parking lot with toilets on your way to the Látrabjarg cliff. And it is particularly handy, because further away, there are no more toilets, so here is your last chance to use this service (or the first one on your way back). The paking lot is situated at the place where used to be a fishing village. And there is a beautiful beach nearby!

There is a really really simple campsite in the close vicinity.

How to Find Parking lot with toilets Brunnar:

You can find that particular parking lot just 2 kilometers (1,2 miles) before you come and reach the Látrabjarg cliff where you are probably heading.

GPS coordinates of Parking lot with toilets Brunnar: 65.512962, -24.496272 Take me there!

Photos of the Parking lot with toilets Brunnar: