
Barnafoss is a waterfall located in close proximity to the lava waterfalls of Hraunfossar. There used to be a natural bridge over Barnafoss, which people cherished until a tragic event occurred. According to legend, two young boys, brothers, fell from the natural bridge into the river while their parents were attending a Christmas mass. Their mother then cursed the bridge, which subsequently collapsed, and the waterfall is now known as the Children’s Waterfall.

You can find Barnafoss in the western central region of Iceland.

The best way to reach Barnafoss from the Ring Road is via Route 50, continuing on Route 518. Route 523 is unpaved, so it’s better to stick to Route 518. If you are coming from the north, the few kilometers’ detour on Route 518 is worthwhile to avoid the rougher road.

From Þingvellir National Park, you can take Route 550, which turns into F550. This road is navigable with caution even for small cars. When you reach Route 518, simply turn left, and you will be close to Barnafoss.