abandoned plane by Þórshöfn

THE WRECK OF THE PLANE IS NO LONGER HERE!!! (you can find it near Seljalandsfoss)

The older and lesser-known wreck of the former military aircraft R4D-6, unlike its famous sibling – the abandoned DC-3 on the Sólhemasandur beach, has rested here at the site of its original crash for over 50 years. Despite initial plans, this aircraft was never recovered or repaired. It now serves as an occasional shelter for sheep and a place of admiration for the few tourists who venture into these unexplored parts of Iceland (and who know that there is something worth finding here at all).

The plane wreck is located near the former airfield (which is still discernible) on the Langanes Peninsula, about 5 kilometers north of Þórshöfn. If you decide to visit, you can park your car here (GPS: 66.252317, -15.259764) and continue straight on foot for about 500 meters.